AutoMDS (Automated Method Development)
PDR started developing AutoMDS and AutoPREP Software in 1998, and still continues aggressive development and improvement of AutoMDS and AutoPREP software. AutoMDS can run continuously without attention; assuming adequate solvent, waste, and sample solution.
AutoMDS is the ideal program for automated method development. Method and sequence editors use a simple spreadsheet format making it easy to build, edit, and use large method screening sequences. An AutoMDS installation includes methods and sequences specifically built for your applications.
AutoPREP (Automated Purification)
PDR started developing AutoMDS and AutoPREP Software in 1998, and still continues aggressive development and improvement of AutoMDS and AutoPREP software. AutoPREP can run continuously without attention; assuming adequate solvent, waste, and sample solution.
AutoPREP is very easy to use and can reliably make 1000s of unattended injections for big jobs. The Recalculate feature instantly shows result of peak detection and collection changes on a test run chromatogram, eliminating the need for more test runs and making setup quick and easy to optimize. If method settings are changed while method is running, AutoPREP adapts appropriately and records changes.
Spectral Deconvolution (Mathematic Separation)
Spectral Deconvolution is real-time & plots the concentration of each individual component, even if spectra are very similar.
Spectral Deconvolution can be applied at any scale from analytical using Agilent DAD to large scale using inline fiber optic flow cells, light sources, & spectrometers.
DALP (Digital Advanced Laser Polarimeter)
Optical Activity Detector
DALP is a new all-digital implementation of our traditional ALP (Advanced Laser Polarimeter) that has been in production since the 1990’s. DALP uses digital signal processing (DSP) with our proprietary algorithms to successfully ignore fluctuations in laser power and absorbance to consistently delivery improved sensitivity, drift, and accuracy. PDR’s companion DALP App sets time constant and supports on-site optimization, calibration, and software upgrades. Existing ALPs can be upgraded to DALP with all-new electronics and improved capabilities for about $10K.